May 10, 2024 | Conspiracy, News, Political, Videos

Mike Ruppert is a former narcotics investigator for the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) who discovered CIA involvement in drug trafficking as early as 1977. After trying to expose the corruption, he was forced out of the LAPD despite earning high rating reports with no disciplinary actions. Since then, Mike has become a prominent voice in exposing government cover-ups and inconsistencies.

Mike was among the first to be publicly critical of glaring flaws in the US government’s official story following the September 11th attacks. For his bravery and commitment to uncovering truth, Mike has endured immense opposition, including being shot at by those who want to keep him from speaking out.

The story of this heroic individual is now detailed in an acclaimed documentary about Mike Ruppert titled “Collapse”. Directed by Chris Smith and produced by Melissa Donovan, “Collapse” offers an intense look into Ruppert’s life and his unwavering dedication to protecting freedom and civil liberties. As one of the earliest whistleblowers about 9/11, Ruppert serves as a powerful example of what one person can do when faced with unimaginable odds.

No one should miss this inspiring documentary that chronicles Mike Ruppert’s journey for justice. The narrative is augmented by interviews from key players such as Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn, highlighting how far some will go to preserve integrity even when it comes at a heavy cost. We encourage you to watch “Collapse” today and learn more about this courageous whistleblower whose story deserves attention now more than ever!

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David B