The Lightbulb Conspiracy

Apr 16, 2024 | Conspiracy, Technology, Videos

The Lightbulb Conspiracy is a thought-provoking documentary that shines light on the damaging effects of consumerism and planned obsolescence. The film, which is part of a series called “Understanding the Present”, examines how big companies are manipulating us into buying more products by keeping their lifetime far shorter than their real technological capabilities allow.

The main argument presented in the documentary is that manufacturers strategically design their products for a shorter life-span than what is technically feasible. This way, they ensure an ever increasing demand for new products and continuous profit for themselves. In other words, instead of producing durable goods that could last for many years, companies opt for cheaper materials and designs, leading to more frequent purchases from consumers.

The documentary also delves into some of the history behind this phenomenon. It looks at how it started with early modern industrial practices such as Taylorism and Fordism—which were designed to maximize efficiency by exploiting workers’ labor—and has since been perpetuated by companies who have adopted similar strategies in order to increase their bottom line.

By chronicling these stories of planned obsolescence through interviews with experts and historical footage, The Lightbulb Conspiracy demonstrates how pervasive this phenomenon has become in our modern lives. From mobile phones to refrigerators, most of the appliances we use today are designed to be replaced within a few years instead of lasting us a lifetime — something that could easily be avoided if producers took advantage of today’s technology and used better materials when making their products.

If you’re looking for an eye-opening account on how consumer capitalism influences our lives, The Lightbulb Conspiracy is definitely worth watching! Through its nuanced exploration of planned obsolescence, it offers an important reflection on the implications of our current economic system —and it’s up to us as consumers to make sure we don’t fall victim to its traps!

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David B