The Phoenix LightsOn the night of March 13, 1997, an unforgettable phenomenon appeared in the skies over Arizona and Nevada. The strange...
Operation InfektionFake news has become an increasingly pervasive force in our society, and there is no better example of its power than...
Obama’s Real Reason He Wants Your GunsIn recent times, President Barak Obama has come under heavy criticism for his 'aggressive assault' on the...
The New American CenturyThe Project for the New American Century has been shrouded in mystery and intrigue since its inception, but now a new...
Mystery Quest: Hitler’s EscapeAdolf Hitler is known as one of the most notorious figures in history. His actions changed the world, and shaped the...
Mysterious Treasure on Oak IslandFor centuries, people have been captivated by the mystery of Oak Island, located off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada....
Mind Control: America’s Secret WarFor decades, the American intelligence agencies have worked hard to develop powerful tools for influencing and...
Marathon Day: BostonOn April 15th, 2013, the Boston Marathon was rocked by a devastating terrorist attack that shocked the nation. Two...
THE TRUTH & LIES OF 9/11Mike Ruppert is a former narcotics investigator for the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) who discovered CIA...
The True Story of Phil SchneiderPhil Schneider, a renowned figure in the underground world, passed away in 1996. Schneider had become infamous for his...
The Lightbulb ConspiracyThe Lightbulb Conspiracy is a thought-provoking documentary that shines light on the damaging effects of consumerism...
The Light Bulb ConspiracyPlanned obsolescence is a fascinating concept that has had a major impact on our lives and the economy, yet it is...
The James Holmes ConspiracyThe 2012 Aurora theater shooting is a tragic event that has left many people feeling heartbroken and confused. On July...
The Diamond EmpireValentine's Day is the second most popular day for giving gifts, and diamonds are often associated with the romantic...
Koch Brothers ExposedThe Koch brothers are a prime example of how the top 1% have become more powerful than ever, and their wealth and...
JFK II: the Bush ConnectionThe assassination of John F. Kennedy remains one of the most tragic events in American history, yet the true story...
Iron Triangle: The Carlyle GroupThe Carlyle Group is a private equity firm that has become one of the most powerful and influential companies in...
Sibel Edmonds: Kill The MessengerSibel Edmonds is a 32-year-old Turkish-American who was hired in the wake of September 11, 2001, as a translator for...