The 10 Best Documentaries About Donald Trump

Nov 16, 2023 | Best Of, Political

If you’re looking for the truth about America’s former president, Donald Trump, then there is no better way than to watch some of the most revealing documentaries about him. From his early life in New York to his rise in politics and business, these movies tell a powerful story of ambition and success. From deep dives into his personal history to examinations of the controversies that have followed Trump throughout his career, these films will provide an in-depth look at one of the most unique and powerful figures in modern history. Get ready to be captivated by the life and times of Donald Trump!


1.The Rise and Rage of Donald Trump : The Fire Breather – the fifth estate

The Fire Breather: An Unnerving Look at the Rise and Rage of Donald Trump. The fifth estate takes an unvarnished look into the life of one of America’s most controversial presidents, Donald J. Trump. From his humble beginnings as a real-estate mogul to his election as the 45th president, this documentary dives deep into the psyche.


2. The 45th President: Donald Trump | Full Documentary | Biography Documentar

From the time of his election to the present day, Donald Trump has been one of the most talked about and discussed leaders in history. This full-length documentary offers a detailed exploration into his life, from his childhood in Queens to becoming America’s 45th President. It charts his successes, failures, scandals, controversies and more, as well as offering insights into what motivates.


3. What does Donald Trump’s indictment mean for US democracy?

The election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States has been one of the most controversial and divisive events in modern political history. His ascension to power sparked heated debate surrounding his policies and character, with many critics voicing concerns about how his leadership could impact US democracy. This ongoing controversy forms the foundation for numerous documentaries offering different perspectives on Donald.


4. Donald Trump: Who Is America’s Next President?

Donald Trump: Is America Ready for its Next Leader? The documentary, Donald Trump: Who Is America’s Next President?, is an exploration of the man who could be our next leader. The viewer will get a look at his rise to power and how he has affected American politics. Through interviews with experts in political science, economics, history.


5. Donald Trump and the rise of Fox News | Four Corners

Fox News and the Rise of Donald Trump | A Four Corners Special This Four Corners special takes an in-depth look at how Fox News has played a major role in the rise of President Trump. It shows how their brand of entertainment-based news combined with divisive political rhetoric changed modern day media, and how it has helped to shape US politics.


6. Donald Trump Exclusive Interview

Donald Trump: An Unparalleled Look into his Life The world has its eyes on Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States. If you want to get an up-close and personal look at one of the most powerful men in history, don’t miss these documentary films about his life and career. From his.


7. Mr. McMahon and Donald Trump’s Battle of the Billionaires Contract Signing

Excitement filled the air as two of the world’s top billionaires, Mr. McMahon and Donald Trump, signed a Battle of the Billionaires contract. The two men had been in negotiations for months before finally settling on the details of this epic battle between two industry powerhouses. After signing on the dotted line, their agreement was met with loud applause from onlookers who were eager.


8. President Donald Trump: The 60 Minutes 2020 Election Interview

One of the most highly anticipated documentaries to come out of 2020 was President Donald Trump’s 60 Minutes Election Interview. The documentary covered a fascinating and revealing look into what drove Donald Trump during his presidential campaign. The documentary gave viewers an insight into the thoughts and motivations behind some of Trump’s most controversial decisions, as well as a candid discussion on major issues facing.


9. The U.S. Presidential Election: Can Donald Trump once again defy the polls? | Four Corners

For centuries, politicians have attempted to defy the odds and win a spot in the Oval Office. But with his unorthodox style of rule, Donald Trump has seemingly managed to do the impossible — twice. From his first campaign launch speech in 2015 to his 2020 re-election bid, this documentary takes a closer look at how Donald Trump defied political norms and won one of the most.

10. How Donald Trump’s election lies cost Fox News $1 billion | Four Corners

Fox News was once the go-to news source for many Americans, but it’s recently been mired in controversy. It’s even been the subject of a $1 billion lawsuit following its coverage of Donald Trump and his election lies. According to ABC Australia’s Four Corners program, the network failed in its responsibility to be impartial as it presented false information about.

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David B