The 8 Best Documentaries About Andrew Jackson

Oct 23, 2023 | Best Of, Celebrities, Culture, History

The life and times of Andrew Jackson, seventh president of the United States, is a subject that continues to fascinate us today. He rose from humble beginnings–a poor orphan who became an influential general, statesman, and leader of the young nation. There have been many documentaries produced over the years which provide insight into this complex man whose legacy continues to both inspire and challenge. Here, we provide you with a list of the best documentaries about Andrew Jackson that have been released. From feature-length films to short video essays, get ready to be immersed in the history and life of one of America’s most interesting presidents.


1. Andrew Jackson – Good Evil & The Presidency – PBS Documentary

Are you looking for a unique and informative way to learn more about Andrew Jackson? Look no further! Documentaries are the perfect way to dive deep into the life and legacy of this prominent President. From captivating stories to in depth analysis, documentaries provide an insightful look into the life and times of Andrew Jackson. Whether you are looking for an exploration of his early life, his presidency, or his lasting legacy, there is a documentary out there to suit your needs. Each documentary offers a unique perspective that provides an engaging and thorough look at Jackson’s past and present. From award-winning films to lesser-known productions, these documentaries are sure to give viewers an unparalleled understanding of Andrew Jackson and his influence on American history.


2.  The Conquerors: Andrew Jackson – Conqueror of Florida

The documentary follows the incredible life of Andrew Jackson, from his conquests in Florida to his lasting impact on the United States. We see how his bold actions shaped our history, and how Florida’s annexation changed America forever. This episode dives deep into the legacy of this influential figure in American politics, providing insight into a fascinating chapter of our nation’s past. This episode provides a detailed narrative of Jackson’s rise to power, tracing the key events that led up to and followed Florida’s annexation. We get an in-depth look at how his legacy still lives on today and why he is regarded as one of our nation’s most important figures.


3. Andrew Jackson’s Biography

This video is a great way to learn about Andrew Jackson and his legacy. It is designed to provide viewers with an in-depth look at the life and times of one of America’s most influential presidents. The documentary features rare interviews and unparalleled archival footage that truly brings history alive! From his humble beginnings as a lawyer in rural Tennessee, to being elected as the seventh President of the United States, you will learn about Jackson’s tumultuous life and his impact on American history. It is truly a must-watch for anyone who wishes to gain a greater understanding of one of America’s most influential figures. So tune in and become better acquainted with Andrew Jackson through this wonderful documentary!


4. Andrew Jackson

This year marks the 200th anniversary of Andrew Jackson’s death – one of the most important figures in American history. From his roots as a military hero to becoming President of the United States, Jackson was a complex and controversial figure. His legacy, defined by both his political ideals and policies, still lives on today and deserves exploration. H.W. Brands in his biography of the 7th president has reshaped our perception of this influential man and his era. To truly understand Jackson’s life and impact, documentary films provide a unique lens into the past. With that in mind, here are some of the best documentaries about Andrew Jackson to watch.

5. Andrew Jackson Davis – The Poughkeepsie Seer

The acclaimed documentary brings viewers an in-depth look at the life of Andrew Jackson and his impact on American history. Narrated by renowned historian Jussara Korngold, President of the United States Spiritist Federation, it dives into interviews with Vanessa Anseloni, Kardec Radio Founder and Tom Cratsley, a researcher who is an expert on Davis’ life. Anseloni and Cratsley offer valuable insight, discussing topics such as Jackson’s legacy, his cultural influence and the implications of his actions. Along with Korngold, they help to paint a detailed portrait of the seventh president as well as illuminate how he shaped America today.

6. Andrew Jackson the 7th President of the United States

Andrew Jackson is one of the most fascinating figures in United States history. A founder of the Democrat party and the 7th president of the country, Jackson was a war hero for bravely leading his forces to victory at The Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812. His skills as a leader and warrior were so great that an attempted assassination only served to further endear him in the hearts of his people.

7. H.W. Brands: “Andrew Jackson and the American Revolution”

As part of the Grand Valley Fall Arts Celebration, the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies is proud to present H.W. Brands’ exploration into our 7th President Andrew Jackson and his role in the American Revolution. This documentary will give viewers an in-depth look at what made Jackson such a unique leader and how he shaped America during his time as president and beyond. Viewers will be taken on a journey through the career of the man behind one of America’s greatest presidents, and discover how he changed the course of history with his groundbreaking decisions. Brands will also discuss Jackson’s complicated legacy and why it is still relevant today.

8. Andrew Jackson and his Indian Removal Act of 1830

The effects of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 are still felt today in Tennessee. Produced by Linell and Israel Garcia, this mini documentary dives deep into Andrew Jackson’s legacy and its impact on the Native Americans living in the state. Through interviews with cultural experts, historical accounts, and archival footage, viewers will gain a unique understanding of how this controversial policy has shaped the state’s present-day landscape. Directed and post-produced by Israel Garcia, it is sure to be an enlightening experience for all. Don’t miss your chance to witness history in action!

Read On – Our Latest Top Documentaries Lists

David B