The 6 Best Documentaries About William Mckinley

Oct 20, 2024 | Best Of, History, Political

William McKinley was a former US President who served from 1897 through 1901. He remains one of the most influential political figures in American history, and his legacy lives on today. To commemorate this remarkable man, there have been several documentaries made about him. This documentary takes a look at McKinley’s life and how he was able to transform American politics during his four short years as president. It also examines the ways in which McKinley changed history, such as his role in negotiating the end of the Spanish-American War and launching the US into the new age of industrialization.


1. William McKinley – Building the American Century

William McKinley was one of the most influential presidents in American history. Not only did he usher in a period of great economic growth and development, but he also helped to shape America’s role in world affairs. Through his vision and leadership, McKinley laid the groundwork for the United States to become a global superpower. His influence can still be seen today in all aspects of American society. In this documentary, you’ll learn about the life and times of William McKinley and how his actions helped to shape the modern world. You will explore his early years, his rise to power as a Republican Party leader, and his two terms in office as president from 1897-1901. You’ll examine the forces that shaped his political agenda and how he used his power to lead the nation into a new era. The documentary will also look at some of McKinley’s most important accomplishments, including the Gold Standard Act, the Treaty of Paris which ended the Spanish-American War, and his role in expanding America’s global influence through overseas territories.


2. The Assassination of William McKinley

The shooting of McKinley was a tragedy that shocked the nation, and it had a profound impact on American politics. In the wake of his death, the United States enacted an amendment to the Constitution prohibiting any president from serving more than two consecutive terms in office. To this day, William McKinley remains one of the most beloved presidents in our history. To learn more about this pivotal moment in American history, check out these documentaries that explore the life and legacy of William McKinley.


3. Karl Rove – The triumph of William McKinley

If you’re interested in learning more about William McKinley and his election, the following documentaries are a great place to start. First up is “The Last Hurrah of William McKinley” (2007), which follows McKinley during the last days of his successful campaign for president. The documentary also examines how McKinley’s political and economic policies influenced the presidency for many years to come. Another classic documentary is “William McKinley: The American President” (2005). This hour-long film delves into the legacy of our 25th president, analyzing his contributions in areas such as foreign affairs and business development.


4. Who was William McKinley

The life and legacy of William McKinley have been the subject of countless books, films, and documentaries. Here are some of the best documentaries about him that provide fascinating insight into his presidency and the era in which he lived: “William McKinley: America’s 25th President” (2005) – This film takes an in-depth look at McKinley’s life and presidency, including his views on international relations, economic policy, and the country’s transition to an industrialized nation. “The Legacy of William McKinley” (2016) – This documentary examines how McKinley’s legacy has been shaped over time by historians and commentators. It explores how he has been portrayed in popular culture and how his memory has been used to advance various political causes.


5. William McKinley – The 25th President of the United States

The American President dives into the history and legacy of our 25th president. We follow his rise from a middle-class family in Ohio to become leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world. During his term as President, we explore how he used both diplomacy and military force to expand America’s global influence. Along the way, we will examine his role in the Spanish-American War and see how he helped shape our modern world. This documentary series is a must-watch for anyone interested in politics and history, as it provides insights into this fascinating period of American history. We also look at some of William McKinley’s lesser known accomplishments, such as his commitment to protecting the rights of African Americans. This documentary series is sure to provide a comprehensive look at one of our country’s most influential presidents. But that’s not all! We also take a step back and explore the life and times of William McKinley outside of politics.


6. The American President

William McKinley: A Profile in Courage”, follows the 25th U.S. president from his humble roots in Ohio to the White House and features interviews with historians, journalists, and members of the McKinley family. Filled with rare footage, photographs and documents from various archival sources throughout the United States, this intriguing look back into history provides interesting insights into the many presidential challenges McKinley faced during his tenure. The film also examines his political career, foreign policy and economic initiatives. There is an additional documentary focusing solely on William McKinley’s assassination entitled “Grieving a Nation: The Assassination of William McKinley”. This program looks at this dark event from both sides, examining anarchist Leon Czolgosz’s frame of mind and the political atmosphere that surrounded McKinley before his death. It also looks at the reaction to the president’s death from those who knew him best, including members of his own family. Finally, the documentary reviews how McKinley’s assassination changed America forever.

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David B