The 3 Best Documentaries About Pelicans

Jan 1, 2024 | Animals, Best Of, Nature

The story of the majestic pelican as told through some of the best documentaries ever made. From following these regal birds on their migratory journeys to learning about their unique behaviors and traits, this one-of-a-kind selection of films offer an in-depth look at this remarkable species. Dive deep into the lives and customs of pelicans with this comprehensive list of must-see documentaries. Get ready to be swept away by the beauty, strength and grace of these magnificent birds!


1. The Pelican of Ramzan the Red

In the middle of Lake Manchar lies a peaceful fishing village that has been entranced by birds for millennia. Among its residents, Ramzan and Mohammad have long held a deep rivalry, one that was recently renewed when Ramzan caught a pelican.Mohammad watched with envy as his rival proudly presented his prize to the townspeople. He vowed to himself that he too would possess a pelican, even though his attempts had always failed.


2. Pelicans : Outback Nomads

Pelicans are some of the most adorable birds in the world. They are outback nomads, traversing thousands of miles to reach their chosen breeding grounds. But it’s a race against time as they travel, since many of these ghost lakes will dry up due to the sweltering heat before they can raise their young.

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David B