The 13 Best Documentaries About Insects

Jul 24, 2023 | Animals, Best Of

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be one of the millions of species of insects? From big and bold to small and microscopic, there is an incredible array of weird and wonderful creatures that inhabit our planet. But what do we really know about their behaviors or how they survive? To answer these questions, here are 13 documentaries about insects that will help us understand more about the mysterious world of bugs. So get ready for a fascinating journey into the unknown as we explore some amazing insect documentaries!


1. The great death of insects

The world is in distress as insect populations are rapidly declining. In this documentary, we explore the causes behind this phenomenon and how it’s affecting life on Earth. We’ll meet entomologists, farmers, scientists and chemical companies who are all sounding the alarm about insect mortality rates. Learn more about 480 million years ago when insects were responsible for being Earth’s first animals that learned how to fly and why their numbers have been decreasing worldwide. Environmentalists and scientists alike worry about this major problem with little understanding of what could be causing it or how much longer we can live off these dwindling resources. Join us as we investigate the great death of insects!


2. Urban Wildlife: Insects

What’s it like living in a large city? We are very similar to the ants that live alongside us, thriving off of the vast population and activity. But how do these tiny creatures survive? Who are they to us – friends or foes?! This documentary will explore this world beneath our feet with its film about city insects! Find out how these little critters make their homes amongst us humans and gain insight into our urban eco-systems.

3. Insects Are Taking Over The Planet

Insects are everywhere and they’re taking over the planet faster than ever before! Bugsworld takes a deep dive into this fascinating phenomenon, exploring how insects have become so pervasive, why humans are obsessed with them and what their future holds for us. With groundbreaking research and an eye-opening look at our relationship with bugs, this documentary series is sure to give you a new perspective on the insect invasion.

4. Bugworld: Do Bugs Rule The World?!

In this documentary, we’ll take a closer look at the amazing world of bugs and invertebrates. From ants to termites and mosquitoes, these organisms play an important role in our ecosystems. We’ll explore how they provide food for other animals, as well as the potential consequences when their populations grow too large. Along the way, you’ll find out why people have such a fascination with insects and why these creatures truly do rule the world!Have you ever wondered how bugs rule the world? In this documentary, we’ll take an in-depth look into the fascinating and often overlooked world of invertebrates. From ants to mosquitoes, learn about their important role in our ecosystems and why people have such a fascination with these creatures. We’ll also explore what happens when their populations grow too large and how they provide food for other animals. Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind why bugs truly do rule the world!

5. Strangest Insects in the World

Insects are one of the most fascinating and mysterious creatures on earth. With over 926,400 species yet to be classified, there is no end to the variety and wonder that insects bring. This documentary dives into the world of entomology – studying these colorful creatures in their natural habitats on every continent except Antarctica. Learn about insect anatomy, metamorphosis, orders within this animal class, and much more! Discover why people often confuse true bugs with other types of insects like beetles – it’s an educational journey you won’t want to miss! Insects are one of the most mysterious creatures on earth – and with over 926,400 species yet to be classified, there is no end to their variety! This documentary takes you on a journey into the world of entomology as we explore these colorful creatures in their natural habitats. Learn about insect anatomy and metamorphosis while discovering why people often confuse true bugs with other types of insects like beetles. Take an educational trip that will leave you amazed at the complexity and beauty of this animal class. Don’t miss out on this fascinating look into the realm of Insects!

6. The Secret Life Of Insects

From the swarms of insects, to bats, snakes and locusts – Christopher Lee has fascinating insights into how these creatures have plagued man since biblical times. Learn about how we respond to such swarms driven by fear in nature, and discover why some can actually pose a threat against humanity. Watch this documentary for an exploration of the 10 best documentaries about juicing!Christopher Lee has uncovered some of the most interesting facts about swarms of insects, bugs and rodents that have been part of human history since ancient times. In this documentary, Christopher explores how we respond to these swarms – from fear to actually using them as a weapon against humanity. Watch this gripping documentary to learn more about our relationship with nature’s creatures!

7. The Fascinating World of Insects

Do you know that 90% of all living things on Earth are insects? That’s right – they’re miniature marvels with millions of years of fine-tuning their abilities to survive in any environment. In this documentary, we explore the amazing world of insects and how they help us clean up our planet, pollinate plants and provide food chains that keep life going. We also look at the incredible body armor these creatures wear, as well as their weapons for reproduction. This is an eye-opening exploration into a world that revolves around something other than humans! We all know that insects play an important role in our planet, but do you have any idea just how crucial they are? 90% of all living things on Earth consist of bugs! In this documentary we explore the fascinating world of these tiny marvels and look at how their millions of years fine tuning has enabled them to survive against predators and difficult battles. We’ll also discover their incredible body armor, weapons for reproduction, and the vital roles they play in cleaning up our planet, pollinating plants and providing food chains for life. This is a must-see eye-opening exploration into a world that revolves around something other than humans!

8. Praying Mantises

The praying mantis is a mysterious creature with an impressive set of skills. Their triangular head and two oversized eyes give them incredible three-dimensional vision, allowing them to spot their prey from a distance. Not only that, they have spiny appendages on their chest segment which allows them to spear their prey as fast as a jack knife! The praying mantis has adapted perfectly to its surroundings and can blend in with leaves, blossoms, tree bark, sandy floors or even orchids. In Japan they are seen as symbols of vigilance due to their remarkable precision in hunting and Kung Fu style combat techniques. Learn more about this fascinating insect in this documentary – The 10 Best Documentaries About Juicing!

9. 20 Biggest Insects Ever Found In The World

Juicing is a fantastic way to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals without having to eat tons of fruits and vegetables. But if you really want to understand the power of juicing, you have come to the right place! In this video I will present 10 documentaries that uncover the amazing benefits of juicing. These documentaries are sure to give you an in-depth look at how powerful juicing can be for your health and wellbeing. So grab a glass, sit back, relax and enjoy these intriguing stories about juicing!

10. 10 Beautiful Insects You can Keep as Pets

Welcome to 4 Ever Green! Here, we will show you amazing creatures and inspiring stories that will leave you in awe. From the biggest mansions in the world to strange insects with unique characteristics – it’s all here! We’ll also teach you how to be productive and make more money. So whether it’s learning about beautiful animals or exploring mind-blowing camouflage techniques of wild insects, join us for a journey full of surprises every week! Make sure to subscribe for more awesome videos ahead.Do you want to explore the fascinating world of insects? From mind-blowing camouflage techniques to some of the strangest creatures out there, 4 Ever Green will show you everything! Learn about amazing animals and inspiring stories that will leave you in awe. We’ll also teach you how to be productive and make more money – from exploring the biggest mansions in the world to unique characteristics of wild insects. Join us for a journey full of surprises every week and never miss an episode! Subscribe now for more awesome videos ahead.

11. The Process Of Making Friends With a Butterfly

Welcome to PleaseBee! In this documentary, we follow the amazing journey of a swallowtail butterfly. We will watch as it hatches from its egg and then transforms into a caterpie, Metapod and finally emerges as a beautiful swallowtail butterfly. Join us on this fascinating story and discover all the stages of transformation that make up the life cycle of this remarkable creature!

12. Weirdest Creepy Crawly Moments

Are you ready to be creeped out? In this documentary, we’ll take you on a journey that will make your skin crawl. From giant snails eating their prey whole to Wetas that can resurrect themselves from beyond the grave – it’s about to get spooky! Get ready for some of the most shocking insect moments ever! Are you brave enough to face the creepy side of nature? Get ready for some of the most shocking insect moments ever! In this documentary, we’ll take you on a journey that will make your skin crawl. From Wetas that can resurrect themselves from beyond the grave to giant snails eating their prey whole – prepare to have your senses tingled as we relive some of our creepiest insect moments! Are you ready to be creeped out?

13. Earth was like at the time of the Giant Insects

Have you ever wondered how insects so small could have once reached such impressive sizes? From dragonflies the size of hawks to millipedes, spiders and even scorpions that were larger than we know them today – this documentary will explore what caused these creatures to evolve into giants. We’ll also look into why they eventually disappeared from the face of the Earth during the Carboniferous period 150 million years ago. This video is a must-see for anyone interested in gigantism or evolution!

Read On – Our Latest Top Documentaries Lists

David B