The 12 Best Documentaries And Videos About K2

Jul 27, 2023 | Best Of, Nature

Mount K2 is a stunningly beautiful mountain located in the Karakoram range of mountains. Standing at an impressive 8,611 metres (28,251 ft) tall, it is the second-highest peak on Earth and also happens to be one of the most difficult to climb. The first successful summit was accomplished by Austrian mountaineer Hermann Buhl in 1954; however, since then there have been six documented fatalities due to extreme weather conditions and unstable rocks along its route. Climbing Mount K2 requires considerable skill and courage – but those who make it to the top are rewarded with breathtaking views that can only be found from such a great height!


1. K2 and the Invisible Footmen

K2 is the second-highest peak on Earth, located between Pakistan and China. But its climb is considered harder than Everest with fewer routes and a steeper ascent. This documentary takes you to K2 where you can meet the invisible footmen – porters who take on dangerous tasks to support climbers in their journey up the mountain. Despite being paid far less than international expedition leaders, porters are essential for successful expeditions and deserve recognition as true heroes of mountaineering. Learn more about these brave individuals in this inspiring documentary!


2. K2: The Killer Summit

K2, the world’s second-highest peak after Mount Everest is also known as Chhogori and stands at 8611 m (28251 ft). It is one of the most hazardous climbing sites in the world. In 2008, an international expedition led by Wilco van Rooijen attempted to summit K2 without supplemental oxygen but it resulted in a tragedy – eleven mountaineers were killed on that fateful day. This documentary delves into this story, exploring what happened on 1 August 2008 when 11 climbers vanished from K2 and why it remains one of the deadliest days on Mount Everest.


3. Breathtaking: K2, The World’s Most Dangerous Mountain

K2 is one of the most dangerous mountains in the world. It’s no wonder why climbers have dubbed it The Savage Mountain! In this video, follow Eddie Bauer mountain guides Adrian Ballinger and Carla Perez as they attempt to reach the 8611-meter summit without supplemental oxygen. Witness their incredible journey full of dangerous situations, terrifying setbacks, and painful disappointments as they strive to conquer K2 – a feat that has eluded many before them. Follow their story until its climactic end when they discover if “the mountain tells me I can’t go any further.”


4. Ghosts of K2

K2 is the world’s deadliest mountain, yet it has captivated and tested many great mountaineers. This BBC documentary Ghosts of K2 dives into the history of climbing this mountain, exploring its heart-stopping tension and uncovering the controversy that still surrounds its first ascent. From drug-addicted occultist Aleister Crowley to brilliant but tortured expedition leader Charlie Houston, as well as the Italian duo who made it to the top – this video resurrects these tragic heroes and eccentric dreamers forever instilled in K2’s legacy. Discover their incredible stories and learn about why so many are obsessed with reaching K2’s summit!


5. K2 The Second Tallest Mountain Of The World

Are you looking for an adventure? K2, the second tallest mountain in the world, is a challenge that will test your limits. In this video we explore this stunningly beautiful peak and discover why it’s considered by many to be one of the most dangerous mountaineering feats on earth. From its icy slopes to its treacherous conditions, learn what makes K2 so special and understand why climbers around the world are drawn to this majestic peak.


6. K2 Mountain of Mountains – A documentary by Tunç Fındık

This documentary is a tribute to the brave mountaineers who lost their lives on Nanga Parbat in 2013. It tells the story of our successful climb of K2 via the Abruzzi spur and is dedicated to all those who summited with us. In this video, you’ll get an insight into what it takes to conquer one of the world’s highest mountains. With footage shot by Tunç Fındık and Azim Gheichisaz, overseen by Nurcan Demirel as production manager and directed by Mehmet Erman Türkgeldi, executive producer Fabrice Imparato has created an amazing visual journey that will leave you amazed at what can be achieved.


7. WOMEN of K2: DEATH on the Mountain

K2, the Savage Summit is one of the most dangerous mountains in the world. But that hasn’t stopped some brave women from attempting to climb it. In this video, we look into the stories of five female climbers who were among the first to summit K2 – all of whom have since passed away. From Polish climber Wanda Rutkiewicz to French alpinist Chantal Mauduit and British mountaineer Alison Hargreaves, these courageous pioneers each had their own unique story for why they decided to take on K2 and what motivated them in their quest for success. We examine how they died and what it means for other climbers looking to attempt this treacherous peak today – a reminder of just how high a price people must often pay when following their dreams.


8. Quest For K2 Savage Mountain

K2, the second highest mountain in the world after Everest has been a source of fascination for climbers from all over the world. Join us on a journey to explore K2 and discover why hundreds are drawn to this challenge each year. We’ll take you back in time with the famous team from Italy who were first to scale K-2 in 1954, and then right up to present day as more adventurers take on its formidable slopes. See how far they can make it up this savage mountain!


9. The 1995 K2 Disaster

The 1995 K2 climb was meant to be a triumphant success, but it quickly turned into a disaster. This video documents the journey of several brave climbers as they attempt to summit the world’s second-highest peak. After encountering favorable weather conditions, things started to take an unexpected turn and what followed was a tragedy that lives on in infamy. Follow along as we recount this gripping tale and pay tribute to those who lost their lives in pursuit of their dreams.


10. K2’s Deadliest Year — Triumph & Tragedy on The Savage Mountain

K2 is known as one of the most dangerous and difficult mountains to climb in the world, having earned its title – ‘The Savage Mountain’. In 1986, thirteen climbers tragically lost their lives while attempting to summit K2. This video follows Chris Bonington and Jim Curran on their journey through the history of K2 expeditions from 1903 to present day. They share stories of triumph and tragedy, taking us behind-the-scenes with exclusive footage from Jim’s documentary about the British Fuller’s team attempt on the unclimbed NW Ridge. Join them for an unforgettable look at this deadly mountain!


11. K2 – The Unpredictable Killer

K2 is one of the most dangerous and unpredictable mountains in the world. With a fatality rate of 25%, only experienced climbers attempt its summit. But why does it have such a strong allure for mountaineers? In this video, you’ll find out! Learn about the challenges that make K2 so difficult and understand why some brave souls still choose to take on this unforgiving peak.



Are you ready to experience one of the most challenging mountains in the world? Join me on an exciting journey as I guide six of the world’s 8000m peaks. Watch me summit four mountains and come within meters of two more – Makalu and Dhaulagiri!


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David B