The 11 Best Documentaries About The Quakers

Sep 25, 2023 | Best Of, Culture, History

The Quakers have a long and fascinating history filled with stories that are just waiting to be told. If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about the Quaker faith, then these documentaries are sure to enlighten and entertain! We take a look at some of the best documentaries available on this topic, offering a comprehensive overview of Quaker beliefs and practices. From feature length films, to short stories and documentaries, these productions will take you on a journey that is both educational and entertaining. Buckle up and join us as we explore the unique life of Quakers!


1. Quakers: That of God in Everyone (2015) | Full Movie | Paul Buckley | Thomas Hamm

Quakers have always been an integral part of American history, from William Penn and Susan B. Anthony to Johns Hopkins and Daniel Boone. But there are many tales of lesser-known Quakers who made a lasting mark on our culture that often go untold. This documentary shines a light on those stories, exploring the ways in which Friends quietly but profoundly changed the course of American history through their commitment to seeing and respecting the divine spark in everyone.


2. History of the Quakers

The Religious Society of Friends, commonly referred to as Quakers, has a long and storied history. Founded in the mid-17th century in Lancashire, England, the movement began as a proto-evangelical Christian sect that faced strong opposition and persecution. Despite this, it continued to spread throughout Britain and later into the Americas and Africa. Quakers still remain to this day, and their legacy has been captured in many documentaries that explore the history of the organization and its members.


3. Unitarians, Baptists, and Quakers

Ryan M. Reeve is Assistant Professor of Historical Theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He has a PhD from Cambridge and is an expert on Unitarian, Baptist, and Quaker traditions. Throughout his career he has researched and studied these religions in depth, giving him unique insight into the history of these spiritual practices.Reeve’s work on Unitarian, Baptist, and Quaker traditions has made him a leading authority on the subject. He is a regular contributor to scholarly journals and books, but he is also an excellent source of information for those seeking to understand the origins and evolution of these religions.


4. Quakers Living Adventurously: The Library and Archives of the Society of Friends – David Blake

Quakers have a long and proud history of standing up for their beliefs despite persecution. They actively campaigned against the slave trade, advocated prison reform, and offered humanitarian relief in Europe during and after both World Wars. Today, The Library and Archives of the Society of Friends conserve these stories so that they may continue to inspire generations to come. From printed books, archives and manuscripts to pictures, photographs and museum objects – The Library and Archives of the Society of Friends strive to showcase Quakers’ commitment to justice and equity throughout history.


5. On Quakers – Tracking Transition

“What is the definition of transition? Quakers are living in times of constant change, and it can be overwhelming. In this episode of Quirks & Conjure’s series “Tracking Transition”, we explore how changes can affect our lives and spiritual beliefs.We take a deep dive into the lives of North Carolina’s Quaker community, discovering not only the unique practices of peace and prayer they live by, but also how these beliefs affect their relationship with the paranormal.


6. Quakerism 101 – Week 2 – Key Concepts And Practices Of Quakers – Taught by Max Carter

Max Carter is here to teach us the key concepts and practices of Quakers in his thought-provoking lecture “Quakerism 101 – Week 2”. Friends (or Quakers) hold a profound belief that everyone, man or woman, was created in the image and likeness of God. This remains one of their most essential core values, which guides their decision-making and shapes their perspectives on life. From the commitment to social justice to living in simplicity, Friends have many ideals that they strive to live by every day.


7. Words of the Prophets, Show #14 – Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers)

Words of the Prophets, Show #14 – Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers)Welcome to Words of the Prophets! I am your host, and on today’s show we are exploring Quakerism and its origins. Our guest for this episode is Alison Martinez who will be discussing the core belief of Quakerism: TOGIEP (That Of God In Every Person). Today’s prophetic topic is “Love One Another”, which resonates deeply with the Quaker belief system.Quakers, or Religious Society Of Friends, are a religious group that originated in mid 1600’s England. They value peace and justice, along with simplicity and honesty.


8. Episode 3: “A History of Quakers in the Piedmont and Their Stories” with Max L Carter, Ph.D.

Episode 3 of the Best Documentaries About Quakers is “A History of Quakers in the Piedmont and Their Stories”. This film takes an in-depth look at the rich culture and history of Quakers in the Piedmont Region. In this documentary, Max L Carter, Ph.D., William R. Rogers Director of Friends Center and Quaker Studies at Guilford College (emeritus), takes viewers on a journey through this region of the US, exploring its history and the stories of those who have been shaped by it.


9. This Separation Forced upon Us: Philadelphia’s Free Quakers and the Culture of Revolution

The American Revolution was a time of intense cultural upheaval, and its effects were felt most deeply in the Society of Friends. When a few disowned members joined together to form The Society of Friends Known by Some as the Free Quakers, they sparked a separation that had both religious and political implications. Not only did this group represent a departure from traditional Quakerism with their support of the Revolution, but they also sought formal recognition from Pennsylvania’s radical Assembly. By 1784, the Free Quakers had built a meeting house of their own that blended traditional forms with an emerging early-national iconography.


10. Episode 09 – Chris and Alice – Quakers (Religious Society of Friends)

Episode 09 – Everybody’s Friend: The Quakers (Religious Society of Friends)We take a look at George Fox, the man who started the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). He was born in England in 1624 and suffered severe depression. He questioned his life and purpose until he eventually found faith in what he called “the inner light”. His message of tolerance and peace eventually spread far and wide, leading to the establishment of Quakerism.We explore how Fox’s message gave rise to a new way of life based on simplicity, equality and honesty. We also find out how Alice – a modern day Quaker – embraces the same values today as she strives to bring her community closer together.


11. Quakers in Russia: Friends House Moscow

Patricia Stewart, founder of Friends House Moscow, recently visited Mullica Hill Friends Meeting as part of Salem Quarterly Meeting. During her visit, she detailed the struggles and hardships faced by Quakers in Russia. She spoke with enthusiasm about her experience as an American Quaker living in Moscow while also discussing how to effectively lead Quaker activism there. Patricia’s words captivated everyone in the audience with her smart and creative take on the situation. It was a truly memorable experience for everyone involved, and it gave us all insight into what it means to be a Quaker in Russia.

Read On – Our Latest Top Documentaries Lists

David B