The documentary follows the extraordinary rise of Emmanuel Macron and his movement “En Marche” in France’s presidential election of 2017. After founding “En Marche” only one year ago, Macron broke through France’s rigid left-right paradigm to offer a new hope to a disillusioned nation. With the support of 230,000 passionate volunteers and voters, he emerged as the favorite in the race against Marine Le Pen on May 7.
In the streets of Paris, we see the story of Alexandre Aidara, a young campaign chairman in northern Paris who worked hard to get out the vote for Macron before the first round of the election earlier this month. With the specter of right-wing extremism looming large, Aidara and his team mobilized the people and inspired them with Macron’s vision of a stronger, more prosperous France. Through exclusive interviews and behind-the-scenes access, the documentary captures the excitement, drama, and the high stakes of a landmark election that could reshape France’s destiny for decades to come.