David Beckham: A Footballers Story

David Beckham: A Footballers Story

“David Beckham had the chance to lead his team to win the World cup in Germany in 2006. This documentary by Tim Lovejoy for ITV1 takes the viewers up, close and personal with him and gives us a sneak peek into his world and his journey through life. Beckham, a...
The Man Whose Skin Fell Off | Real Stories

The Man Whose Skin Fell Off | Real Stories

Jonny Kennedy is a man with a lot to do. He’s got just four months to move home, meet Nell McAndrew, fly a plane, visit Downing Street… and plan his own funeral. So Johnny decided to work with filmmaker Patrick Collerton to document his last months, resulting in...
The Search for Life: The Drake Equation

The Search for Life: The Drake Equation

For many years, our place in the universe was the subject of theologians and philosophers, not scientists, but in 1960 a man changed all that. Dr. Frank Drake was one of the references in the new science of radio astronomy, when he did something that was not only...
The Road To Armageddon: A Spiritual Documentary

The Road To Armageddon: A Spiritual Documentary

The Road to Armageddon looks at the universal thought behind the Apocalypse with an intensely personal and spiritual level, showing not the end in the world but end of people: your body, your mind and, if you’re not necessarily careful, your heart and soul.