Hell and Back Again

Hell and Back Again

Hell and Back Again is an award-winning documentary that examines the struggles faced by US soldiers returning home from war. Directed by Danfung Dennis, this film follows a soldier named Nathan Harris as he grapples with the physical and psychological ramifications...

Heckler is a fascinating documentary that examines the tactics employed by hecklers to disrupt live performances, especially stand up comedy shows. Audiences have long been divided on the subject of heckling – some support it as an essential part of the show,...
The Act of Killing

The Act of Killing

The Act of Killing is a powerful documentary which captures the horrors of Indonesia’s mass killings in 1965-66. After a failed coup, Anwar Congo and his followers embarked on a killing spree that left tens of thousands dead and the country devastated. The film...
The 9/11 Faker

The 9/11 Faker

The remarkable story of 9/11 survivor Tania Head is one that will stay with us forever; a tale of courage, tragedy and ultimately, hope. On the morning of 11th September 2001, Tania was working on the 78th floor of the south tower when disaster struck. Despite this...
The Best Movies About Unrequited Love

The Best Movies About Unrequited Love

One of the best ways to explore the complexities and emotions of unrequited love is through movies. These films often capture the heartache, longing, and hope that comes with loving someone who doesn’t feel the same way. Here are some of the best movies about...