High Class Homeless"This documentary addresses the demise of many who decide that they simply cannot afford the luxury of living in...
Chichen Itza – What is so Special about the Ancient Mayan Temple?Chichen Itza was a large pre-Columbian city built by the Maya People of the Terminal Classic Period. In the 2000s, the...
The Mystery of Picasso"The Mystery of Picasso is a 1956 film, made by Henri-Georges Clouzot. It aims to unravel Picasso’s process of...
Graffiti: the forbiden gameGraffiti is writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface, usually without permission and within public view....
7 Secret Messages Hidden in Famous ArtFamous art pieces are great as they are. You can gaze at them for hours, and still find new aspects. Geniuses like...
Queen’s Vagina – the “Dirty” sculpture by Anish Kapoor that caused controversy in VersaillesVersailles opened its gates and grounds for art exhibitions in 2008. Since then, hundreds of artists have shown their...
The Fake Van Gogh’s TimelineSunflowers is the name of two series of still life paintings by the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh. The first series,...
H.R. GigerHans Rudolf “Ruedi” Giger, was a Swiss surrealist painter, sculptor and set designer. He finished the study of...
The Rigorous Process of Becoming a Wax Figure in Madame TussaudsThe first Madame Tussauds wax museum was opened in London. Nowadays, there are branches all over the world. But the...
Modern Masters"Modern Masters is a four- part TV series describing the lifetime and accomplishments of four goliaths of 20th century...
Takumi – a 60,000-hour story on the survival of human craftTakumi is a Japanese word meaning “artisan”. It is also a masculine Japanese given name or surname using various kanji...
The World Tree – Middle Eastern ReligionsTrees play important roles in mysticism and mythology throughout the world. Many ancient artifacts depict sacred trees...
Bomb It – The Global Graffiti DocumentaryThrough interviews and guerilla footage of graffiti writers in action on 5 continents, BOMB IT tells the story of...
History of Film MakingIn 1907 there were only about 4000 nickelodeon cinemas that were present in the US. Most of these films would include...
Pyramids of Giza – One of the most mysterious places in the worldA masterpiece in every sense, the Great Pyramid of Giza has truly earned the title “Wonder”. The Pyramid is built with...
The Genius of BeethovenIn ‘The Genius of Beethoven’, Paul Rhys very accurately portrays the life of Ludwig van Beethoven, vividly conveying...
Tiffany & Co. — “Some Style is Legendary”Tiffany & Co. is an American luxury jewelry and specialty retailer headquartered in New York City. It sells...
Uffizi Gallery – First Modern Art Museum in EuropeThe Uffizi Gallery in Florence is one of the most famous art museums in the world. It houses almost the entire...